Lisa and Ryan are good friends of ours and always a lot of fun to photograph. Their engagement, their wedding and now their Christmas cards (and I hope I will be able to photograph these guys for many years to come)! Lisa has an unmatched passion for animals (she recently just got an fantastic job at a local humain society out here in Boulder County!) and it’s inspiring the way they pull in these furry beasts and make them family. About a year and a half ago (shortly after getting hitched) they adopted a deaf puppy who happens to be, in my opinion, one of the best and well behaved dogs I have had the pleasure of knowing (personally Kaylee makes the top 3 chart, and I don’t even think she is in 3rd place). Charlie is a new addition and of course as with all puppies energy accompanies them:) The relationship these two pups have is so sweet and captivating; it definitely isn’t the normal puppy sister story. Lisa and Ryan, you have done a wonderful job raising these two (along with your other fuzzy and scaly ones at home). Congrats on your on-growing family – thanks for inspiring us too.
Oh… the forever hysterical Chandler smile. For those of you who are not familiar with the Chandler Smile, just google it.
Moosejaw represent!