
San Luis Obispo Wedding Photographer

Tina | Oceano Dunes

I met Tina on Instagram. We awkwardly laugh about that now… and about friendships in general that were formed on social media platforms like Instagram. I had been gazing through the local photographers in SLO for sometime before the move last year and it got to the point I could pick out Tina’s in a lineup. I love her style. It’s moody. Emotional. Honest. Deep rich colors. And goodness… she married a guy with the last name “Loveridge.” That is like the ideal wedding photographer’s dream! Love. Ridge. How perfect is that? So thus her business is called Loveridge Photography (go check it). Before realizing it was her name, I remember wondering what “Loveridge” was a metaphor for – thinking it must be so deep and so inspiring and perfect for someone who photographs couples in love. Then I found out it was her last name… she hit the jack pot there.

Tina texted me a couple weeks ago when I was out of town saying she wanted to go shoot in the dunes. Upon returning, we both threw on dresses and went playing in the Oceano Dunes. The marine layer had started creeping in a couple hours before sunset. Thus we both cranked our ISO high, said a prayer our autofocus was on point, and embraced it all. As a photographer, standing in front of a camera is very awkward (we seriously aren’t lying to you when we say we know what it’s like). I sometimes think Photographers in general are the worst to photograph – because as much as we are worried about how we are posed, where we are looking, does our smile look natural, where do I put my hands – it is also loosing full control of the camera and about letting yourself be vulnerable. As photographers we conveniently hide behind the camera, controlling dials and angles as we capture life’s happenings. Standing in front of a camera is SO vulnerable. And we absolutely know it. We thirst for our clients to expose that vulnerability. That is what makes our photos meaningful. But us standing in that roll… that vulnerability scares us. I think all photographers should go to modeling school – not that we learn how to pose others, but truly so we don’t feel like squids standing in front of the lens. Anyone want to join?

Tina is stunning. Is a kick ass photographer. And I’m so grateful for her friendship and all she does in this industry, does for her couples and clients, and is a wonderful human. Here are a few of my shots from our excursion in the Dunes.

San Luis Obispo Wedding PhotographerTina Loveridge in Oceano Dunes with Friend and Photographer, Austyn Elizabeth PhotographyPismo Beach Wedding PhotographerPismo Beach Wedding PhotographerSan Luis Obispo Wedding PhotographerTina Loveridge in Oceano Dunes with Friend and Photographer, Austyn Elizabeth PhotographyTina Loveridge in Oceano Dunes with Friend and Photographer, Austyn Elizabeth PhotographyPismo Beach Wedding PhotographerTina Loveridge in Oceano Dunes with Friend and Photographer, Austyn Elizabeth PhotographyTina Loveridge in Oceano Dunes with Friend and Photographer, Austyn Elizabeth PhotographySan Luis Obispo Wedding PhotographerPismo Beach Wedding Photographer

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This blog isn’t just a representation of my work, but a way of honoring the beautiful couples and families I’ve had the joy of working with. Each of them has left an imprint on my heart. If we work together, I’m certain you will, too.


As you browse the posts, soak in the magic of real humans experiencing true love, vulnerability, and joy.


Let’s make art out of the life & breath of your favorite moments

Documenting artful imagery of human hearts in Central California and beyond.

Central Coast and San Luis Obispo Wedding Photographer

austyn elizabeth photography



IG: @austynelizabeth