
San Luis Obispo Wedding Photographer

Tuesdays Together San Luis Obipso

I have the honor of leading the San Luis Obispo chapter of Rising Tide Society’s creative entrepreneur group called Tuesdays Together. We get together once a month to talk and learn about a specific topic that effects us as small business owners. During our meetings we also try to do a few fun things as well. This month we did a DIY sip and paint while we discussed SEO and Blogging. It was kind of awesome.

Heather Millenaar is a local live painter and photographer. Over the past year, she has been incorporating more painting into her business. She is amazing with a brush and it was wonderful collaborating with her on the Tuesdays Together Collaboration Shoot from earlier in this year. A couple months ago I inquired if she would ever want to lead a sip and paint for our group. Teaching painting was actually something that she had been wanting to pursue within her business and we were lucky enough to be her first class!

Heather and I selected a photo from another local landscape and wedding photographer Brady Cabe. He does some amazing Milky Way photography and we decided on the perfect image from his collection. Heather did a fantastic job teaching and leading us in how to paint such a stunning image. It was such a fun night and beyond having an amazing talented painter, our set up was pretty much DIY.

One of the things we needed were easels. As we always strive to keep cost low, I saw a nifty DIY easel set up using pizza boxes. I ran into Domino’s and asked if I could buy 21 boxes. The owner smiled and asked if it was for a school project. “Well,” I began. “It’s for a group of big people; we are a group of local creative entrepreneurs and we are making easels.” He smiled and graciously gave us 21 boxes at no cost. We love them.

A special thanks to Heather and sharing her amazing talent with us! Thank you Brady for letting us use one of your photos! Thank you to the lovely ladies at The Wedding Space for opening your doors to us! Thank you Got You Cover’d for providing tables and chairs! And thank you to everyone who came and brought wine and snacks to share!

I love this group. I love how in the past ten months we have already watched each other grow within our businesses. There is no reason to be doing this whole run your own creative business on your own. If you are interested in joining, please send me a note and head on over to our Tuesdays Together, San Luis Obispo FB page. We would love to have you! Cheers + Love.
Pizza Boxes turned easels for a DIY Sip and Paint with San Luis Obipso Photographers.Pizza Boxes turned easels for a DIY Sip and Paint with San Luis Obipso Photographers at the Wedding Space.Artsy Camera Sip and Paint set up with Heather Millenaar.Brady Cape photograph of the milkyway next to Heather Millenaar's painting.The Wedding Space set up for Rising Tide Society's Tuesdays Together SLO chapter for a Sip and Paint.Heather Millenaar prepping her canvas at the wedding space with san luis obispo wedding photographers.The Wedding Space hosted a Rising Tide Society Sip and Paint in San Luis ObispoOverview of the wedding space during Tuesdays Together SLO sip and painttuesdays-together-slo-023sanluisobispo-austynelizabeth-025sanluisobispo-austynelizabeth-027sanluisobispo-austynelizabeth-026sanluisobispo-austynelizabeth-029sanluisobispo-austynelizabeth-032sanluisobispo-austynelizabeth-033sanluisobispo-austynelizabeth-038Milky Way paintings by san luis obispo entrepreneurs at Tuesdays Together sanluisobispo-austynelizabeth-055

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This blog isn’t just a representation of my work, but a way of honoring the beautiful couples and families I’ve had the joy of working with. Each of them has left an imprint on my heart. If we work together, I’m certain you will, too.


As you browse the posts, soak in the magic of real humans experiencing true love, vulnerability, and joy.


Let’s make art out of the life & breath of your favorite moments

Documenting artful imagery of human hearts in Central California and beyond.

Central Coast and San Luis Obispo Wedding Photographer

austyn elizabeth photography



IG: @austynelizabeth